According to its Rating, PRAVO 300 recommends NEF’s legal services in terms of tax law.

NEF’s tax practice specialists render consulting services to Russian and foreign clients as well as provide legal support for tax inspections and represent clients in courts during legal disputes with tax authorities.


As part of the Investment and Financial Advisors (IFK) Group, NEF has been included in the Expert Rating Agency’s Russian Consulting ranking for a third year in a row.

In addition to NEF, the IFK Group includes our partners: two strong valuation companies (Russpromotsenka and IB-Consult), the VNIIST institute, Masterplan (design, technical audit, etc.), and LLC IFK (strategic consulting).

IFK is placed 54th in the overall 2016 rankings (up from 65th in 2015).

  • 6th place in manufacturing advisory (fintech audit, design, etc.) – up from 9th in 2015.
  • 16th place in legal advisory. IFK was not included in the 2015 rankings. Breakthrough of the year!
  • 15th place in valuation – up from 22nd in 2015.​
  • 6th place in technical audit. In the 2015 list IFK were ranked the 6thplace.​
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